Es ist 20:50, 13.01.2025

Go Österreich!

Kategorie: Golfreport
Datum: 15.03.2012


On a cold and wintery Sunday afternoon I hopped onboard Finnair flight AY767 , destination Vienna, Austria. The plane was absolutely packed with passengers from all over the world. Some coming all the way from Asia to discover Europe for the first time, some Europeans flying back home after having spent an adventurous weekend in Finnish Lapland and some just starting a new week at work abroad.

But the ones that really caught my eye were the one ones in identical bright red outfits. Right at the end of the flight I got a chance to talk to them and ask what was up with the matching track suits?

Sports, of course.

But not just any sport: this was a Professional Minigolf Team. The Austrian National Minigolf Team for the under 23 year olds, to be more precise. And to be perfectly honest with you, I had no idea that minigolf is being played professionally (but that just speaks volumes of the fact that I truly am not very sporty and says nothing of the fact that of course minigolf is and should be played professionally!). Just like these guys did.
They’d been in Tampere, Finland, attending a tournament on the weekend of 29th of Feb to 4th of March and had had a splendid time. Two full days of practising and two full days of tournaments had been rough but equally enjoyable. These young Austrians said they had learned a lot, and it had also been great fun to meet other minigolf pros. When I – rather nosily– inquired how they did at the tournament. I kind of got the feeling that it did not go quite as well as they had wanted – but still not so poorly that their spirits would’ve been down. Not at all, this cheery team was a joy to have onboard and talk to!
Lastly I had to ask (we Finns always do) how they felt about the refrigerator type winter climate we have here. And what do you know, it turned out that they’d practiced even that! It had gotten very cold and wintery in Austria too (normally milder winters) just some weeks prior to their trip and that short chilly period had nicely prepared them to face the Finnish artic winter. So no worries there!
I wish good luck and great tournaments to all of them. GO, ÖSTERREICH, GO!!

Originalpost by: Petra Piipari

Verfasser: Petra Piipari @Blogs Finnair


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